Build your Kingdom with “Kingdom Builder”


“Kingdom Builder”

designed by Donald X. Vaccarino, published by Queen Games

Build your kingdom via strategic placement of your settlements!  A game of very few choices: you get one card, you play it, and build three settlements on the terrain type (flower fields, deserts, forests, mountains) matching that card. Note the strict building rules: you must build next to an already existing settlement if you can. Build next to bonus tiles which usually give you the ability to build, another settlement!  Try to score points at the end based on three randomly drawn goals that makes the strategy of every game different. Sometimes you need the largest settlement, or have the most separate settlements, or sometimes, score for both.  The four modular boards provide some extra variety as well.  But in the end, the whole affair feels a bit bland.

Not a whole lot of choices makes for a rather dry game at times.